- Teams of 4 made - This is a fun day with coffee and bacon rolls from registration at 8am to meet your team members. It's a shot gun start at 9am with nearest the pins, nearest the line and nearest the champagne bottle on the course to play for, followed by a one course meal at 2pm, with all prizes donated for the Hospice. There will be a raffle and possibly a few auction items to bid for too.
The cost is TBA per member with all the entry fee going to the Lady Captain's Charity, Cystic Fibrosis. Please pay the entry fee to the Ladies Section 204980 50224650 reference TBA
Please sign up on the system now and the teams will be drawn the Sunday before the competition. If you would like to be paired up with another, member or know one of the new players, let Catherine Hinchliffe know.
Great Prizes!!
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